Posted by on Dec 17, 2012 in Napoleon Hill, The Habit Code | 0 comments

In the original version of The Law Of Success, Napoleon Hills Philosophy of success contained 15 principles. The Master Mind was put down as an introduction to the whole philosophy and not included as one of the principles but as an all encompassing method of gathering the skills and tapping into the unconscious minds of it’s participants.

Eventually The principle of the Master Mind was installed as the first of the principles of The Law Of Success, as below:

1. The Master Mind

2. A Definite Chief Aim

3. Self Confidence

4. The Habit Of Saving.

5. Initiative And Leadership.

6. Imagination.

7. Enthusiasm.

8. Self Control.

9. The Habit Of Doing More Than Paid For.

10. A Pleasing Personality.

11. Accurate Thought.

12. Concentration.

13. Co-Operation.

14. Profiting By Failure

15. Tolerance.

16. The Golden Rule

Eventually Napoleon Hill came to believe that Cosmic Habitforce, which he sometimes referred to as the Universal Law, was the final lesson in the course that finally took him 20 years to complete. By then Cosmic Habitforce was part of the whole philosophy and given 17th place in the table.

Hill spoke of the Cosmic Habitforce as the Greatest Of All Natural Laws.

“Cosmic Habitforce is the medium by which every living thing is forced to take on and become part of the environmental influences in which it lives and moves.”