Posted by on Dec 17, 2012 in Procrastination | 0 comments

If there is a habit that will stop success in it’s tracks it is procrastination. This seethingly bad habit is the major cause of people not reaching their goals. You can gain more knowledge than the worlds libraries. Spend year upon year studying with the best minds and know everything there is about a subject. But until you take action and apply that knowledge, you may as well know nothing. I’m still reading The Law Of Succes by Napoleon Hill, by the way,  and as Hill goes through each of his steps to success it becomes so obvious that if you do not take action with the knowledge you have, none of the steps to success will ever be taken. I’ll go through the reason why we procrastinate in another post, but just for now  take action for something you’ve been putting off and just do it. You’ll find it wasn’t so hard to do, in fact, it’ll kinda feel good.

The more you take action the more that taking action becomes a habit…