Quote from Bruce Barton “What a curious phenomenon it is that you can get men to die for the liberty of the world who will not make the little sacrifice that is needed to free themselves from their own individual bondage.” Bruce Barton
Read MoreNapoleon Hill Bibliography – The Books He Wrote
Napoleon Hill wrote several books. Think and Grow Rich is his most popular but his other less popular books should be studied to give you well rounded teaching of his philosophy. Hill’s Golden Rule Magazine – publisher and editor (1919-1920) Napoleon Hill’s Magazine – publisher and editor (1921-1922) The Law of Success (1925) The...
Read MoreThe Magic Ladder To Success
Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success is a monument of a publication and at the time was expensive (Law of Success was originally published in 1928 as a set of 8 books with two lessons in each book). With the onset of the Great Depression Napoleon Hill decided on editing down the Law Of Success and making it more accessible to people. This edited and...
Read MoreThe Missing Piece Of The Secret
Having read all of Napoleon Hill’s books, his magazines and other peoples ideas on the Principles Of Success within Think and Grow Rich, I’ve finally come to a conclusion of what Hill is was so eloquently saying. There are two major principles within Think And Grow Rich that stand out far and above anything else mentioned. In fact, if you read...
Read MoreThe Carnegie Secret
Ok, So you are here to discover the Andrew Carnegie Secret the Famous Industrialist Andrew Carnegie told to Napoleon Hill in their Interview at Carnegie’s house in 1908. If NOT I suggest you CLOSE THIS PAGE IMMEDIATELY. Napoleon Hill States that it is better to discover the secret for yourself. If you have read the book a few times and still...
Read MoreCollective Unconscious – Emotionalized Memory Remnants
If you go back quite a few posts you will see an entry about The Collective Unconscious. I’ll just add to that post and try to elaborate on it somewhat. As Carl Jung stated the Collective Unconscious is the “reservoir of the experiences of our species“. I personally take that to mean that an amount of the experiences that YOU have during...
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