Posted by on Dec 17, 2012 in Napoleon Hill | 0 comments

Napoleon Hill’s Famous 17 Principles of Success…

If you do some research, and find out about his 17 Principles, what you are about to read may surprise you.

Hill didn’t seem to keep to the same 17 principles, In fact, from my research up till this point I’ve counted no less than 38 different Principles that he’s used throughout his books and publications.

There are a core number that Hill refers to in every publication I’ve read.

But the rest he seemed to pick sometimes calling it a different name, but meaning the same thing such as:

Pleasing Personality sometimes called Attractive Personality


Learning From Defeat sometimes called Profiting By Failure or Learning From Adversity and Defeat

Other times throwing in a completely new principle such as Positive Mental Attitude as he became acquainted with W. Clement Stone.

I’m still waiting for a couple more books to arrive before I publish all the different principles Hill came out with.

Let me know if you find any that are not in Hills more famous books Think and Grow Rich and The Law Of Success