Posted by on Dec 17, 2012 in The Habit Code | 0 comments

This is just a quick post to start this Blog…

 The Habit Code

It all starts from the realisation that Habits are mentioned as the fundamental things you need to change if you’ve read any of the personal developments stuff and self help books that I have.

Habits play such an important part and it only occured to me after three years of study.

Read any self help book.. Success Book.. Personal development course or visit any seminar and you will notice that the term habit crops up way too often.

By changing a habit or should I say developing a new habit to replace or overwhelm the old habit, your life can change overnight.

This blog has been set up because I’m trying to write a book about the things I have learnt over the past three years, in particular, the last 6 months on how simply starting some key new habits in your life can make a dramatic effect.

Welcome along for the ride. I hope I trigger the spark inside of you that can make you a better person.



John 21st September 2006