If stopping your bad habits is important to you then what your about to read may help you discover the key to habit elimination.
There is an arbitrary threshold at which the pain or destructiveness of doing something conflicts with the negative tendencies of any habit. It is this threshold point that The Habit Code is based around.
It’s as if the subconscious mind finally takes heed of all the bad press your negative habit has been sending it and finally says,
“OK, I hear what you’re saying, this habit has gone far enough”
The subconscious then acts as your ally to help break down the habit. You may crave the substance or the comfort a habit gives but with the subconscious now in a state of “habit breaking” it reigns in your normal tendencies and produces a force to be reckoned with.
What I’m talking about is normally called ‘Will Power’, but the Power of Will changes because of The Habit Code…
Let me try to explain.
Say that you are a cigarette smoker, your conscious is very aware of the dangers of smoking and of all the negative sides of this habit. You’ve tried to stop before. You’ve tried several times using all of the nicotine therapy available. Every time deep down you’ve really known that you will be smoking again. You or should I say your conscious wanted to stop, but your subconscious was oblivious to the fact.
Blowing The Safety Valve.
If you’ve read any rags to riches story you may notice the defining moment that everything changes from absolute poverty to a change of belief and a complete positive switch to a different way of thinking. An Epiphany occurs that comes from the soul and if you were standing next to the person in the story you would be able to feel the change in their persona and aura. I hope you’re with me here, it’s a connection with the soul, or subconscious, that re-programs the individual, actually changes their whole outlook on life and the problems that they are facing.
It normally occurs when people are at their lowest ebb and whether Physically, Spiritually or mentally one of these three channels is at an incredible low point and the subconscious seems to get the message and allow for a spiritual connection.
I can remember it vividly, how mine occurred when i no longer needed to smoke… I was in bed with an incredibly bad chest, drunk and feeling like absolute shit but I could feel some other part of my mental make up make the decision to stop smoking. From that point the subconscious mind took control and whereas before it would automatically help you to smoke, it was now saying the absolute opposite, “this person no longer smokes, put that cigarette down”.
I’ll try and get some examples of this Connection to the subconscious so that I can explain it better, and to how we can use hypnosis to create the same type of connection soon.
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