As we go through life we have experiences, Successes, failures, crisis, happy experiences, sad experiences. If we could measure these experiences and ‘collect’ them, they would, as a whole be the makeup of you. The experiences you have influence you and everything you do. Imagine that you could measure them over your lifetime so that you have a...
Read MoreThe Habit Code – The Experience Collector
Ok this part of The Habit Code is going to change for sure but I’ll just explain it a little. Your Bad Habits take energy from the three energy areas of The Mind, Body and Soul and this energy is lost. In the Habit Code this energy is collected as Experience so that it can be measured. Red is Mind, Body is Green and Soul is Blue. Measuring...
Read MoreCollective Unconscious – An Underestimation
I talked about Carl Jung the other day and about the Collective Unconscious. I may have made a slight mistake in estimating the number of generations. Lets take a quick look at the maths again. “A reservoir of the experiences of our species” is how Carl Jung explains the Collective Unconscious. I’m trying to make sense of this and have...
Read MoreJust What Is Cosmic Habitforce?
Cosmic Habitforce. What is it really? Napoleon Hill describes it so: “Cosmic Habitforce is the greatest of all natural laws. It is Nature’s comptroller through which all other natural laws are coordinated.” However you think the universe was created, you cannot deny the underlying march of time and the precise way that all things within...
Read MoreNegative Habits
Underneath the Holding Area of the habit code comes the negative habits. These habits take energy from the holding area and your Body Mind and Soul energy are reduced. Smoking is a good example (or should I say bad example) of one these habits because as you smoke it not only effects the body but it also deadens the mind and effects the soul. So, your good...
Read MoreCarl Jung – The Mind
It looks like I boobed on the description I have for psyche. In fact several times different people have called The Body, Mind Soul concept differently. It’s all part of the discovery of psychology I feel. Doing some more research brought up Dr Carl Jung and his thoughts on the psychology of human beings. This brilliant post appeared that gives a good...
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